
Playstation (1, 2, 3 e 4)

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Com a consola quase a sair, ainda nao percebi porque razão eu ou alguem não abriu o topico XD

So aqui ta ele.


Originally printed in Official PlayStation Magazine, OPM #106

by OPM Staff 7.20.2006

November 17 is the day. You know the price. You've seen the games--most of them anyway. You know what it can do. You've finally seen the controller. The only remaining question: Are you buying it? There's no question that the PlayStation 3 will help usher in the next generation of videogames with its ridiculously powerful processing capabilities and multimedia functions. Not to mention that the PlayStation 3's online capabilities are up to par with what people expect from a gaming console. Normally, all of this would result in pandemonium for the PlayStation fan base, with PlayStation 2 owners clamoring to get their hands on the new system. The mainstream public would be abuzz with the forthcoming onslaught of media coming from all directions, but that's not quite the case, at least not yet. Most are waiting to see exactly what it is that they're paying for, regardless of which version of the PlayStation 3 they're interested in. Others are waiting to see just how exactly it all works together and if the experience will be worth the price of admission. But there's a whole different way to look at the PlayStation 3, and to prompt you to do that, we only have to ask one question: How much did you pay for that new digital camera?


The Controller

A Shocking Evolution

What once looked like a reject from the Chiquita Banana factory is now familiar again. Indeed, the PlayStation 3 controller is essentially a DualShock-style controller, complete with two analog sticks and all of the same buttons. However, now it has an additional button in the center that can be used to power the console off and access the system menu, much like the 360 controllers have. The PS3 controller is also lighter than before--even lighter than the PlayStation 2's DualShock 2 controller. But of course, the most important new feature of the PS3 controller is its motion-sensing capability, which detects six degrees of motion (X, Y, and Z planes as well as pitch, yaw, and roll).

Did Sony Steal The Idea?

A Long Time Coming

The controller seems like it's a pretty blatant rip-off of Nintendo's Wii controller, or at least like a reactionary move to it. But the idea, apparently, has been in the works for quite some time. "It was so secret that people thought we came up with it

," Kaz Hirai explains. "But this thing has been in [Ken] Kutaragi's mind for the longest time. Do you remember the original PlayStation controller, the one without the analog sticks? We started there, and then we added the two sticks for the analog controller. Then we added the vibration feature and called it the DualShock controller, and then we came up with the DualShock 2, which had pressure-sensitive buttons."

Hirai continues, "Every time we added some functionality, it was to make the controller be more intuitive, to make it feel like a part of your body, and to make it more realistic in terms of how it interacts with the game. Now we've added the motion sensors, so it's the natural progression of wanting to improve the controller so that it becomes a natural extension of your body. If you see how the controller has evolved, it seems natural, as opposed to 'Hey, look at this.' This didn't come as something that we wanted to do the day of the press conference."

Does It Work?

You Bet It Does

Surprisingly, the controller worked absolutely great with the only game, Incognito's Warhawk, that supports its functionality at the moment. It's also pretty sensitive, with every slight movement affecting the direction of the ship. It's also worth pointing out that it feels pretty natural as well (despite the fact that you initially feel like a complete spaz). But what does Incognito think? "We've been working on the technology for a while, but we weren't sure when it was going to show up in the controller," says Dylan Jobe, producer at Incognito. "We were internally hypothesizing that Sony was going to do something big, so it has to be this. We worked on our physics system to make sure it would be a seamless transition, and then Sony of Japan finally allowed us to be introduced to [the actual controller]. When we finally got our hands on it, there was only about a week and a half [until E3]. It was a really good marriage with Warhawk."

Jobe adds, "Part of the reason why I think people believe you need to make exaggerated movements while using the controller comes from me flailing around onstage [during the E3 press conference]. It's an incredibly precise device, and what we'll end up doing is allowing you to control the sensitivity and acceleration, because some people want really precise controls and others want flailing. We found that the data coming off the sensor gave us more precision than the analog sticks alone, and when we first heard about it, we thought we [were going to have to do a lot of research]. But when we got it, we found that it's completely stand-alone in that it calibrates itself and doesn't have to register with anything. It just automatically works."


SONY CEA President And CEO Kaz Hirai Explains Why You'll Be Seeing Two PlayStation 3s Later This Year

OPM: Can you tell us what the logic is behind the $600 price point?

KAZ HIRAI: There are two configurations. Take a look at what we put into the box, whether it's the Cell processor or the fact that it will play Blu-ray. The fact that it's ready to tackle the HD world in terms of output. The fact that it's ready to go online out of the box. The fact that it's backward compatible with PlayStation and PlayStation 2 hardware. The fact that we have the heritage of providing the depth and breadth of games that are second to none. We always talk about having a 10-year cycle, so this isn't a system that we're going to ask consumers to ditch in three years, four years, or five years. If you put all of that in context, it makes for a great consumer value for everyone.

OPM: Why is one SKU $500 when the differences are the lack of HDMI and the memory slots?

KH: What we wanted to avoid is coming out with a PlayStation 3 that's configured to be bare-bones, because that starts affecting gameplay, and we didn't want to do that. Some of the other platform holders have gone down that path with one unit that doesn't even have a hard drive, and that affects gameplay. Obviously, a hard drive isn't just for downloading stuff--you can cache stuff and get faster loading times as well. Without going into the dangerous area of affecting gameplay, we looked at the functionality and asked: If we're still able to provide the same gameplay, what are some of the features that users can upgrade later on, that they won't need or want from day one? That's where we said the [slots for] removable flash cards, the wireless [online connection], and the HDMI, because most sets don't have HDMI and you can still get 1080p using other connection options, so there's no problem there. That's why we went down that path. I guess we could've said here's a wired controller, but now that we have a motionsensor controller, that would be just wrong.

OPM: Still, that equates to $100?

KH: We don't want the price difference to be $300 or $200, because that's a pretty big gap. It's backing into the price based on what we can offer consumers. We're not just stripping out features. But we're saying that there are consumers that may not even be interested in connecting wirelessly. They may not even have a hot spot in their home. They don't care. We wanted to make sure that at any stage in the life cycle we're giving consumers the option and not forcing stuff on them that they don't even need. I guess it's new in this business, but that's the way it's been done in the PC business forever, with [multiple configurations]. I think the days of having one PlayStation at $299...those days are gone.

OPM: How are you going to convince consumers that $600 is the new magic price point?

KH:The basic approach we'll take is similar to the approach we took with the PlayStation Portable. That it does a lot of fun things, but we don't want to dilute the message. You'll confuse the consumer even more if you go out there and say if it's a multimedia platform. The first thing we need to say is that the PS3 is the best console out there for interactive games. This is the console to have. Behind that, look at all of the other things it can do. That's the way to approach it, and that's what we did with the PSP. Because having gone out there and said this is a great movie player, and by the way it also plays games, we have to ask ourselves: Who are we marketing this to? We have to make sure that we appeal to people who are interested in playing games...I'm not going to say core gamers, but people who want the cutting edge.

OPM: What about people who just want a PlayStation but don't know the technology behind it? Why would they want to pay $600? Is it time to focus on the other abilities?

KH: I'm not saying we're not going to talk about it. We're going to say this is a fantastic gaming machine, and by the way it does all of this other stuff. It's not like you can't ask me about Blu-ray. I point to how we marketed the PlayStation Portable, where we talked about the games primarily but at every opportunity we had we talked about the movies and photos, too. You have to take it in steps. As the demographic becomes wider, you can't shower them with all of this, because they won't get any of it and won't be interested. The type of consumer--you have to differentiate between a first-time gamer who has heard about a PS3 and wants to look at it, and the owners of the PS1 and PS2.

If it's a first-time gamer looking at the price tag, they'll probably say that it's a pretty heavy investment, even if they know what it can do. But if they're not sure if they're ready to jump in, I'd point them right at the PlayStation 2. It's not a console that's going away any time soon. Look how much effort we put into making sure it got the deserved prominence in our booth, and it's backwards compatible with the PS3 so the software investment doesn't go by the wayside. Then they can feel comfortable going with the PS3 three or four years from now.

The people [who] own a PlayStation 2 know that it's a natural progression. [The PS3] does so much more, in addition to playing HD games. The message to them is a bit clearer because they've already been a part of the PlayStation family, so they're already interested in reading about the features and what it can do beyond the PlayStation 2 they bought back in 2001.


Is The PS3 The One To Beat?

Hiroshi Kataoka

Producer at Sega (Virtua Fighter 5), on being able to bring an arcade classic home

"From a purely technical standpoint, the arcade Lindbergh hardware uses the Nvidia graphics chip, so it was a fairly easy choice. Graphically, there's always pressure to be on the cutting edge, but we also want to be on the cutting edge of gameplay."

Atsushi Inaba

President of Clover Studio (Okami, Viewtiful Joe), on creating next-gen worlds, and on the controller

"One of the most difficult things about fantasy games is that they require a lot of imagination on the part of developers. Since the nextgeneration consoles are so new, I think that the imaginative power of developers has yet to kick in. In the future, once they come to grips with the hardware and don't necessarily have to worry about how to use the hardware but are simply creating worlds within the hardware, then we'll see more and more creative and original-style games. So if you look at a game like Metal Gear Solid 4, the characters have an incredible sense of being and history to them. They're almost like living people. Even though the game has very realistic graphics, you still have the idea that this game has a world for the player to exist in. A lot of games look very realistic, and as people come to understand the hardware, the more it will open up the creative possibilities of hardware.

"The Wii controller was something that was known, and people were already starting to imagine of what you could do with that controller. The PlayStation conference--seeing that controller and not knowing about it beforehand was just a shock and made me rethink what I thought about the PlayStation 3 and what's possible on the PlayStation 3. It was a jolt to the system. I got the chance to try Warhawk, but my own personal opinion of it is that it's just a tech test showing what can be done with the PlayStation 3 controller. It's not really connected to what's going to make it fun or interesting.

"The most intriguing part of the PlayStation 3, to me, is the power. Sony seems to have built a racing machine with Blu-ray, Cell, and all of these things that are incredibly powerful. But even though it's powerful, there are games that will work well with the machine and games that won't. And going forward, that's something we have to think about-- what game works best for each system."

Hideo Kojima

Head of Kojima Productions (Metal Gear Solid 4), on taking you to the movies

"To refresh your memory, last year I said the PlayStation 3 was a big meal that you have once a year, the 360 was a special meal that you have on weekends, and the Revolution--as it was called at the time-- was your everyday meal. Last year, it was the same family changing meals according to the situation; that was my line on it. Now, the PlayStation 3 is like a movie theater for people who want to see this movie on the big screen with THX and 5.1 audio, even if they have to pay a high price. The Xbox 360 is DVD. It could be a rental DVD or you could buy a DVD. Basically, you don't know what movie you want to see, so you go to the store and see if you can pick up a good one. The Wii is like a TV for when you're home and you don't know what you want to watch but you [want to] have that variety. So I think the three platforms are really distinctive and they mostly don't overlap each other--people who love movies watch TV all the time. We have to be very quick [with what we're doing in terms of games]. We can't wait long to turn on the TV, and also, the programs have to be in all varieties so everyone is satisfied, as opposed to the movie theaters, where everything has to be high spec. People want high emotions. You want to be touched by watching it on the big screen. For DVD, or the 360, you need to have a lot of variety so when people stop by they'll pick up your product. Maybe in the future, you'll see three DVDs for $10."

Dylan Jobe

Producer at Incognito (Warhawk), on Sony's online service

"Sony's not going to charge you. That allows us some freedom. If, hypothetically, Sony was incredibly rigid and you had to pay for everything, then we wouldn't be able to allow gamers to host their own servers or have these more complicated network structures. Sony gives us a lot of freedom in that regard. In Warhawk, you can use a PS3 as a dedicated server. You'll see stats, the map, and all of that, so you can be an administrator."

Dale Jackson

Executive producer at EA Tiburon, on the ease of development

"The PlayStation 3 is a powerful system with a lot of potential. As with all new hardware platforms, we are working hard to fully understand it and tap into that potential. To get the most out of the PlayStation 2, we had to do some very specialized coding, and now the PlayStation 3 will also require very specific code to utilize the graphics hardware and multiple processors. However, with the power of the system and the recently announced motion-sensitive controllers, [the PlayStation 3] will open a lot of design opportunities that, in the past, we could only dream of."

Yannis Mallat

CEO at Ubisoft Montreal (Assassin's Creed) on gameplay

"Everyone at Ubisoft Montreal is really excited about the PS3. The PS1 and the PS2 have revealed true long-term staying power, and we're already amazed with the results we're currently achieving on the PS3--especially with games like Assassin's Creed--almost one year before launch. There is no doubt in our minds that the PS3 will deliver a true next-gen gaming experience in its first year."

Shingo Takatsuka

Producer at Konami (Winning Eleven 2007), on next-gen soccer and multiplayer possibilities

"Each person on our development team will try to improve all the aspects of Winning Eleven for the next generation. It all comes down to development of animation and AI. Obviously, with the next generation, consumers will expect more over-the-top emotions and graphics. But the thing is, what we do with Winning Eleven is focus on realistic gameplay, and our game system has to be solid and every aspect well balanced.

"We're trying to create a multiplayer system for online. You will be able to take individual positions--11-on-11 is the ideal match, [but we can't get there quite yet]. Before we do that, we'd like to provide 4-on-4 or 8-on-8."

É uma consola mito linda, mas uito cara x.x

Irei a comprar assim um enorme price cut

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O PS3 é bom...mas é feio e grande >>

é também muito cara >>...

abusam de seu popularidade xD


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eu com o dinheiro que custa a PS3, da para comprar a Wii e a XBox 360.. eu acho que vou optar pela consola da Nintendo.. talvez depois de alguns meses, ou la para o verão a PS3 baixe para metade e ai a compre...

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É o que todos pensam fazer =}

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Para que comprar a nintendo? gastar dinheiro?

Sinceramente, eu não estou entusiasmado nem com a x-box 360, nem a nova nintendo..á uma coisa que temos de constatar.. Sony é Sony, o resto é paisagem.

Ha uns anos, comprei a x-box em vez da ps2..LOOL, foi o pior erro de toda a minha vida ffs... :evil: Essas empresas sao muito mal representadas em portugal..mas em contra partida, temos uma playstation que e a indiscutivel rainha das consolas..e que mal faz esperar? quem ja esperou tanto tempo, espera ainda mais ate que a playstation 3 baixe o seu preço exageradissimo, ate ficar mais acessivel, como é obvio.

Não tenho problemas em esperar, sou paciente xD

e que venha ai a ps3 em força, com todas as suas potencialidades!

Quem não conseguir aguentar e for gastar o cu para a comprar, bem...depois digam como é! xD

bye :wink:

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Bem.......não sei proque, mas essa critica foi um bocado, off the hook não?

Eu não julgo uma consola não pela sua marca ou potencialidades, mas sim pelos seus jogos. Ela para mim pode fazer isto e aqulo, mas se não tiver um bom jogo...bla.

Tive a PSP que é muito melhor que a DS em Specs e vendi-a...os jogos repugnavam-me. E olha que sou fanatico em Metal Gear e nem este me prendeu. Vendia-a e comprei uma DS e já tenho alguns jogos que me dão uma boa dose de vicio diario!

A Xbox360 neste momento tem alguns jogos que me fascinaram e mais rapido tenho uma do que uma PS3 e eu sempre fui Sonista XD

A wii tem muitos jogos que eu neste momento venero, Zelda entre eles e tal.

A PS3 conta-se pelos dedos os que me mesmo MGS4 e este....parece que vai sair para a X360 também.

A wii pode ser a mais fraca, mas são os jogos que me atraem.

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PS3 à venda no Japão: é a loucura total!!! xD

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É isso! A PS3 já saiu e foi a p.u.t.a da loucura no Japão XD

O 1º gajo a te-la foi um chines que veio até ao Japao que permaneceu anónimo e recebeu a do próprio Kutaragi XD

Agora uma enxurrada de news.

PS3 Video Playback -- Open & Unrestricted

The PS3 has no multimedia restrictions on even 1080p video. BitTorrent, ye shall be crashed!

US, November 10, 2006 - For those frustrated with the Xbox 360's limited video playback features (and for those of you angry at PS3 for not upscaling DVDs), here's something to smile about: video playback on Sony's new system seems to have no restrictions of any kind. Barring a lack of support for your chosen format (which of course will never make anybody happy since there are 5 zillion media formats out there and no media player can play back everything), the PS3 will play back videos without issue, even at full HD quality.

This is good news after the PlayStation Portable unfortunately delivered less-than-ideal video playback maxing out in consumer releases at 320x240 anamorphic instead of full 480x272 (although this PSP fault is likely due to support of outdated Memory Stick Video Format restrictions, some blame this on Sony's fear that UMD would not sell if users were allowed to make full-resolution video ... indeed, Sony's own Japanese P.TV site offers encrypted videos at full-res, but consumer compression applications can only make small-resolution PSP videos.) Here with PS3, we were able to play videos at 720p and even 1080p off of a Memory Stick after first compressing them to the AVC format. (Our tests used Sorensen Squeeze, but any AVC compressor should be able to do the job.)

We also tested PSP-sized AVC and MP4 files, which played back just fine. Some of these videos were odd-sized videos, and they also played back without issue. We have not yet been able to put the system through a stress-test to see if the PS3 is able to play videos that do not conform to standard broadcast or PSP-supported q-pel formats, but we will be testing this soon -- so far, this seems to not be an issue.

In addition to AVC, PS3 will also be able to play MPEG1, MPEG2, and standard-profile MP4 videos, all common formats and all formats easily found in consumer-level (and freeware/shareware) video compression applications. We were able to test MPEG2 and MP4-SP, and both formats worked just as any other video format on PS3, without issue. You cannot, however, reformat videos -- you can copy them from device to device, but unlike with music files, you can't re-encode them under a more preferred or tighter codec. We also loaded an AVI file into the PS3, and while it recognized that a file was loaded, it showed the AVI file as Corrupted Data, just as on PSP.

PS3 Accepts Any Third-Party HDD

Official hard drives not needed.

US, November 10, 2006 - According to the PlayStation 3's included Safety and Support manual, the system will accept any 2.5" Serial ATA hard disc drive, and not only officially licensed Sony products. This opens up the possibility of installing a much larger drive than what the system comes with. The manual does note that "Proper operation is not guaranteed for all models" of hard drives, but obviously this is Sony's "just in case" small print.

We're in the process of testing this ourselves and will keep you updated.

PS3 Internal Memory Cards for Backwards Compatibility Hands-on

We play and save PSone and PS2 titles on Sony's next-gen console.

US, November 10, 2006 - To save PlayStation 2 or PSone games on the PlayStation 3, you'll need to create a Internal Memory Card for that system. By heading into the Game heading in the Cross Media Bar, you'll find an option entitled Memory Card Utility. You can then create both PSone and PS2 memory cards, give them a name and assign the slot that they're assigned to.

The Internal Memory Cards carry the same storage space as the official Sony cards for each system, so 15 blocks for PSone games and roughly 8MB for PS2 titles. You can create as many cards as you'd like, so while you may need to virtually swap cards before you switch games, you should never run out of storage space.

The PlayStation 3's Virtual Memory Card support directly mimics a PlayStation 2 to the T, meaning that you can only have two Memory Cards inserted at any one time, though you can assign which Internal Memory Cards go in which slot. So, you can't have a PSone card in the first Memory Card slot and then expect have a PS2 game save to it.

Regional Lockout on PS2/PSone Games Confirmed

PlayStation 3 denies play of imported titles.

US, November 10, 2006 - Though Sony has said that it has no intention of region locking PlayStation 3 games, it was never specifically clear whether or not region-encoded PlayStation 2 and PSone games would work on a foreign system. Unfortunately, the answer is no. Likewise, foreign films or any other content that's specified for a region different than the system you're using will not work.

PS3 compatible with mobile headsets

Mobile phone Blutooth headsets can be used with PS3 online, Sony tells CVG

An official headset for trash-talking during online play on PS3 is in the pipeline, but before it arrives Sony has told CVG that you'll be able to configure Blutooth mobile phone headsets to work with PS3 in much the same way.

In the PS3 firmware is a Blutooth Settings menu where, as on-screen text explains, you will be able to configure link-ups with headsets, microphones and headphones that are Blutooth compatible.

This means that instead of waiting for official peripherals, you can get your PS3 talking online, among other things, using products already available.

It is not yet known when official Sony headsets will arrive, but we'd expect not too long after US launch. Check back all next week for our massive hands-on impressions of severeal PS3 games as well as the mighty hardware.

PS3 Won't Upscale PS1 or PS2 Games

Users will need to tailor aspect ratios manually for games.

US, November 10, 2006 - There have been a lot of rumors about whether or not the PS3 will upscale PlayStation 1 or PlayStation 2 titles. We spent a few minutes running our retail systems through a few tests, and came back with these impressions. We threw in Resident Evil 2 from the PlayStation 1 and tried to see how it would look. First of all, there is no upscaling of PS1 titles at all, and if you have an HDTV, you'll need to change your aspect ratio from 16:9 to 4:3 to play these games.

Next, we ejected that disc and put in Gran Turismo 4 for the PS2, without changing any of the settings. We did managed to confirm one of the features from our Cross Media Bar segment in IGN Weekly 31, which is that the PS3 will pop up a logo as soon as you start a PS2 game, which enables the SIXAXIS controller to emulate a Dualshock. The game played fine with one quick race, but we also wound up adjusting the visual settings of Gran Turismo, pushing it to 1080i. The PS3 recognized the screen change, and readjusted the screen on its own. There is no upscaling of PS2 titles either.

We'll have much more on the PS3, including a backwards compatibility list of PS1 and PS2 games, throughout the day.

Nyko announces launch line-up for Sony’s PlayStaion 3 console

Patented charging solutions and high-definition video cable to launch with Sony’s PlayStation 3 console this November.

Nyko Technologies, a premier peripherals manufacturer, announced today that they will release three new accessories for Sony’s PlayStation 3 console when it launches in the United States on Nov. 17. The Dual Charger AC, HDMI Cable and Charge Link will give gamers exciting new options when it comes to true high-definition video and reliable charging solutions for consumers who wish to take full advantage of their new console.

The patented Dual Charge AC for the PlayStation 3 features dual-USB inputs, allowing two PlayStation 3 controllers to be charged simultaneously from any standard wall outlet using the two included four foot Mini USB cables. The compact unit features collapsible prongs for easy storage and can also be used to charge any USB compliant electronic devices, such as digital cameras and MP3 players. The Dual Charge AC for the PlayStation 3 will retail for $24.99.

For gamers who want to take advantage of the PlayStation 3’s high-definition capabilities, Nyko offers the HDMI Cable. Capable of full 1080p video output, the HDMI Cable offers true high-definition video and audio quality at an affordable price. Sharper images and more realistic, immersive sound await players craving the most out of their next-generation console. The HDMI Cable will retail for $29.99.

The Charge Link provides a simple charging solution for the SIXAXIS wireless controller, allowing gamers to charge and play with the controller simultaneously. The 10 foot cable can not only be used to charge PlayStation 3 controllers but also any other USB-compliant device. The Charge Link will retail for $14.99.

“The PlayStation 3 is going to be one of the most in-demand consoles this holiday season and Nyko is ready to fully support the system with a line of innovative and useful products.” said Chris Arbogast, marketing manager at Nyko Technologies, Inc. “Our launch accessories for the PlayStation 3 put the power of high-definition gaming and innovative charging products at the fingertips of gamers who want to fully tap the console’s power.”

PS3 Connections: iPod & Other Music Devices

Sony's new system doesn't play well with others yet.

US, November 10, 2006 - NOTE: In our initial play-test of the PS3, we reported that the multimedia playback feature was hampered by directory structure limitations. However, we have since been informed of a full browsing function for all storage devices -- indeed, you CAN browse media that's not native to the PS3's normal directory structure. Please check this updated news article for the latest update on the multimedia features.


Connecting an external device to the PlayStation 3 is a breeze; getting it to work well with these devices, however, isn't yet a walk in the park. We connected an Apple iPod and an iRiver MP3 player to retail versions of the new console, but neither are fully operational in the latest update.

First, the iRiver. We tested the iRiver H10 player, which is notorious for difficulty in driver functionality and mounting on PC and Mac systems -- the unit requires custom drivers instead of mounting as a standard USB device. As expected, the unit did not mount and was not able to offer music playback.

Second was the iPod, a standard 20GB full-size Video iPod. The PS3 recognized the iPod just fine, even displaying on the screen that the unit was in fact an iPod. However, the directory structure Apple chose for iPod is not something that PS3 recognizes (or at least does not recognize in the latest update, v1.10.) The iPod will mount, but no video, audio or photo tracks can be found. You also cannot move music files from PS3 to an iPod due to this same directory problem. We were able to trick the system, putting directories on the iPod as if this was a PSP -- we put a MUSIC folder on the root directory and a set of PSP/MUSIC folders also on the root. Here, the iPod worked just fine, offloading the music we had loaded as if it was any given USB device. However, the iPod itself is set to play music only from its own given folders, so now the iPod will not play this music stored on its drive. Will the PS3 ever be able to play iPod music? It's plenty possible -- all that needs to happen is that Sony needs to add a directory search to find iPod's general storage folders, and since iPod is such a common music player, this may well happen. But for now, it doesn't work that way.

Finally, we plugged in a PSP (and also an offloaded PSP Memory Stick). As expected, the PSP is recognized as a PSP and is mounted as a USB device, and the music plays back from the PSP-mounted unit or any given Memory Stick just fine, so long as the folders are set properly. The PS3 recognizes both the PSP/MUSIC folder structure as well as the new MUSIC root folder added in PSP v2.80 (and now a common folder for Memory Stick formatting), and you can do anything in the PS3's music feature set with a PSP (including playback, file transfer to and from PS3's HDD, file naming, etc.)

The bottom line: PS3 is an open player for all manners of formats, but its current directory limitations hold it back from being a completely compatible all-in-one media player. Small changes in its directory searching may fix this problem (although it's possible that this may also slow the system down, which is one reason why PS3 may be built to not search out music files anywhere on a USB device in its initial offering), and we're hopeful that a future version of PS3 adds some more complex directory abilities. We'll have updates on changes to the PS3 folder structure if Sony makes adaptations in future releases.

PlayStation 3 sells out at launch

Only 100,000 Sony machines have been made available

Electronics stores in Japan have sold out of PlayStation 3 consoles after thousands of gamers queued for hours in the cold to buy them.

Large queues meant some shoppers were turned away even before stores opened at 0700 local time (2100 GMT).

The console officially went on sale on 11 November but Sony only made 100,000 machines available on launch day.

Instead of opening at midnight, stores organised lotteries to decide who in the queue would get a long-awaited PS3.

Line dance

Outside Bic Camera's flagship Tokyo store more than 1,000 people queued for their chance to buy a PlayStation 3.

Shop attendants with microphones warned impatient customers that sales would end if there were any injuries.

"Standing in line today is the only way to make sure I got one," said Takayuki Sato, 30.

Tomoaki Nakamura, 41, said: "I've been waiting for this day to come for so long. I'll play it all through the weekend. No time for meals,"

The head of Sony's game unit head, Ken Kutaragi, known as "the father of the PlayStation", expressed his gratitude to those who had waited.

"I hope you will enjoy the next-generation entertainment to your heart's content," he said.

The company said it would be a few days before they knew whether all retailers had sold out of all their PS3 consoles.

Earlier, bloggers catalogued the numbers of people waiting outside stores.

Brian Ashcraft who toured electronics stores in Tokyo for game blog Kotaku described the scene as "organised chaos".

The BBC News website also received e-mail messages from those queuing outside stores.

Game gear

The PlayStation 3 (PS3) is being sold in two configurations. The more expensive version has a 60GB hard drive and wi-fi on board and costs, in Japan, 60,000 yen (£270). The cheaper version has a 20GB hard drive, lacks the wi-fi and will cost 49,980 yen (£222). European prices are expected to be higher than direct comparisons suggest.

The console in action

Both versions include a wireless controller, a Blu-ray high-definition DVD drive and a port so they can work with a high-definition display. Buying a PS3 also gives owners free access to the online PlayStation Network where they can meet and take on other gamers.

Sony expects five games to be available at launch including Ridge Racer 7, Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight, Genji, and Resistance: Fall of Man.

Like other next-generation consoles the PS3 offers gamers much more detailed graphics than ever before. The IBM-developed Cell chip inside the console uses seven separate processing cores which can be used to make the physics in game worlds more realistic and allow computer-controlled enemies to behave with great sophistication.

"The image quality is so superb you'd almost think it's a real movie," gamer Hisafumi Funato said after trying it out at a demonstration event in downtown Tokyo. "I want one, especially if I don't have to stand in a long line."


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Para que comprar a nintendo? gastar dinheiro?

Sinceramente' date=' eu não estou entusiasmado nem com a x-box 360, nem a nova nintendo..á uma coisa que temos de constatar.. Sony é Sony, o resto é paisagem.


ai, qe me apetece andar á porrada mas nao vou.

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Essa imagem é enorme XD é melhor pores só o endereço dela :P ...

Em relação á PS3 não estou interessada em comprar e além disso é caríssima... estou mais interessada numa Nintendo DS XD .

Hum... a nova PS3 deve ter gráficos poderosos :Pusagi on fire: .

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vamos la ver se com os atrasos e preços abusados a ps3 nao se torna num fiasco tal como a psp.

a verdade é que vai ser uma verdadeira maquina e deve durar cerca de 10 anos a ficar ultrapassada

btw, a ps3 so sai em março, nao está 'quase a sair'

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Para quem está muito interessado na PS3 vejam este video :twisted:

Isto é no Canadá e foi na altura do lançamento da PS3

Site Oficial:

Parece que cada vez a mais gente com dinheiro a mais e muita estupidez na cabeça

Para ser imparcial também coloquei um onde destruiram uma Xbox 360 no local respectivo a essa consola

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Se tivesse dinheiro a esbanjar podias crer que fazia bem pior...

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Bem.......não sei proque' date=' mas essa critica foi um bocado, off the hook não?

Eu não julgo uma consola não pela sua marca ou potencialidades, mas sim pelos seus jogos. Ela para mim pode fazer isto e aqulo, mas se não tiver um bom jogo...bla.


Yep, eu tenho a mesma opinião.... Eu preferi a Nintendo DS pela PSP mesmo pelos jogos... e posso garantir q vou comprar a Nintendo Wii e que vou deixar a PS3 passar a correr.... afinal de contas, deve estar 1,2 ou 3 anos e depois lá aparece a PS4 e tal com mais potencialidades...

Claro que com a Nintendo Wii vai ser o mesmo, mas se eu conseguir comprar os jogos q eu quero, e se tiverem mesmo a qualidade de jogo que aparentam ter, posso garantir que vai passar + de 5 anos e eu de vez em quando sou capaz de continuar a jogar! :Panda rir:

Atenção a todos os que já se babam pela PS3 que esta é só a minha opinião ;P

De qualquer maneira, eu não acho feio o design da PS3, acho que até é discreto XD

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Eu se comprar a PS3 vai ser mesmo por causa do (futuro) FFXIII. Pode ser que com sorte por essa altura o preço da PS3 já tenha descido.

Bem, andei a ler ai umas noticias sobre a paranoia pela PS3 nos EUA!! 8O Tiroteios, roubo, pancadaria, aluguer de guarda costas só para estar seguro na fila, contratar drogados/homeless para ficar na fila por ti e o caraças...! Piraram todos da cabeça! 8O É só uma consola FCS!!

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Ao menos um nintendo fanboy ofereceu chocolate quente a uns da fila ;__;

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Bem posso dizer que a PS3 tem graficos melhores que a XBOX360 e Wii XD por isso XD hehe ganha ja ai :P depois temos os comandos XD a XBOX360 tem comandos por bluetooth como a Ps3 xD mas A WII a WII tem os melhores comandos que ja vi akilo é uma loucura XD XD mesmo brutal XD.

Bem esta e a minha opiniao XD e tall sobre as consolas XD.

Mas o que eu gosto mesmo e quero compra e a PS3 devido ao FFXIII xD que em tempo real tem muitos BOMS grafico dos melhores ate XD e so ver o filme XD e nao so por outros jogos.

a Wii comprava tb pois e uma consola para divertir XD por isso :P ambas sao fixes XD

tb e verdade que a ps3 e cara mas nao se esqueçam PODE CORRER LINUX XD A POIS É COMO UM PC com LEITOR DE BLUERAY QUE CUSTA 800 EUROS por isso a PS3 ta super barata XD quando chegar ca XD.

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Bem, eu que conheço a sony e a playstation 2 tenho grandes espectativas acerca da PS3. Primeiro coisa que me leva a preferir a PS3 em relação à Xbox360 e à nitendo Wii é que o comando da PS3 é o que se ajusta melhor às mãos do jogador, embora o melhor comando mesmo é o da nitendo Wii. Eu acho esse comando um espectáculo.

Outro bom aspecto da PS3 são os grandes títulos já confirmados que vão sair para esta consola( Metal Gear Solid4, Devil May Cry4, Final Fantasy XIII, etc) que vence a nitendo Wii, pois até ao momento não ouvi falar de nenhum grande titulo para esta consola, e a Xbox360, que desde que apareceu ainda não mostrou uma jogo de qualidade superior aquilo que a Xbox tinha.

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Go see a game called Oblivion, Gears of war ploz or Halo 3 sff

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