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Devil May Cry

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Oi pll eu ja vi o 1º episodio do anime do devil may cry e axei ke era uma ganda pedra mas eu vi sem legendagem mas mesmo assim era fix...

taki o link do site onde eu vi o video , mas se alguem sober de algum sitio onde podemos sacar com legendas e so dizer fikem...


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Se eu lembro-me bem, era a Animanda que estava a pensar tratar da série, mas eles decidiram só o fazer quando ela realmente estrear (14 de Junho IIRC).

Só de 1º episódio, esteve lindo. O pedido do Strawberry Sundae, a limpeza que se seguiu, e a cena no teatro merecem distinção. Dos melhores inícios de série que já vi.

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Eu só tenho uma palavra a dizer : LINDO  :o

É pena que não haja legendas mas prontx

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pois tamb axo, e, axo ke tamb vai ser uma das melhores series ke ai vao estar... :D

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Yup só uma pergunta ?

Quem era aquela miuda e aquele homem ?

PS : Melhor ainda seria aparecer o Vergil ( para quem não sabe o irmão gémeo de Dante que se transformou no cavaleiro Nero Angelo ) ou então a Lady ( na minha opinião o Dante e Lady fazem um belo casal 

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Esta brutal. >:D

E pena a falta da legendagem.

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Pelo que eu percebi, a senhora no final do episódio chamava-se Patty, e tinha um negócio qualquer a tratar. Para tirarem as atenções dela, usaram a miudinha loira (Chibi Patty), dizendo que ela era a verdadeira e pondo-lhe um guarda costas como o Dante, poucos iam duvidar.

No final, a Chibi Patty decide que ela fica mais segura com o Dante, e usa o dinheiro que a outra lhe arranja para "remodelar" a DMC (PS: Adorei o facto de ele 1º procurar pelo Sundae, e só depois é que nota que a loja está diferente xD)

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Como já foi dito não vão ter de esperar muito pela sub, é RAW, que queriam? Que viesse com subs? X)

se a Animanda fizer um trabalho tão bom como fez com Death note, já sei de quem irei sacar. :-)

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só tou desejando ke saia o procimo e kuando komeçar haver legendas nos episodios vou começar a sacalos... ;D

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Já agora eu ouvi dizer que iria havia um filme em imagem real do DMC mas até agora nada ( e já ouvi falar disto à uns 3 anos ) , não sabem de nada ?  :perguntar:

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Já agora eu ouvi dizer que iria havia um filme em imagem real do DMC mas até agora nada ( e já ouvi falar disto à uns 3 anos ) , não sabem de nada ?  :perguntar:

Do ultimo que ouvi, o filme "oficial" foi cancelado pela Capcom, acho que decidiram-se por fazer um filme do Onimusha, ou alguma coisa do género.

O mais próximo que nos sobra, para além do anime, seria o Devil May Cry: Sins Remembered, que é  um fan movie.


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Não se esqueçam de postar o site onde fazer o download dos episodeos mais tarde.

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pelo ke li em alguns sites vai haver 12 episodios da série e vai estrear na televisão japonesa dia 14 deste mês..... E ainda tou a tertar deskbrir um site pa sacar sem ser em torrent :-X

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agora ao principio dúvido muito que vás arranjar DD.

o máximo que podem fazer é arranjar por IRC.

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encontrei o 1º episodio (axo eu de ke...) para fazer download directo no megaupload.....

vou sacar para confirmar mas em principio axo ke é.Deresto os outros pelo ke li num blog começão a a sair depois do dia 14 como referi no post anterior

fikem bem... :P

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Hmm a animaçao parece tar muito boa, tou pra ver e a historia, espero que seja boa, como fã dos jogos estou com grandes expectativas para este anime  :urso esclamacao:

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Enquanto não temos nenhuma fan-sub, deixo aqui a tradução em inglês do 1º episódio.

Waiter: What will you have?

Dante: A strawberry sundae.

Waiter: (shrugs) um mister…

Guy/demon: This is a bar. Not a place for children to come to.

Dante: Oh? Moreover it smells like blood in here more than it smells like alcohol… Ah, well. Anyway, I’ve come across a weird rumor. *I may have messed this up a little but this is the general idea* Recently, around these parts, there is a bar which has the hidden business of taking lives for money. Ah, I’m sorry, Royal Straight Flush (*it’s the nickname of demon guy*) isn’t it?

Dante: If that’s who you are your life is gonna’ be cut short.

Guy/Demon: Everyone, Drinks on me! (lunges in for attack)

Dante: You’re pretty good, Royal Straight Flush. (after killing demons Dante slashes the bartender) Next time you open, put some Strawberry Sundae in the back. Bingo.

(at office)

Dante: (on the phone with pizza delivery service) Yeah. That’s right the pizza I always get. Ham and garlic potato mix special, right? The biggest one. Don’t bother with the small details. No olives and the L Size. Don’t forget.

(hangs up phone)

Mustache guy (I’m gonna call him MG for short. I don’t know his name yet)

MG: Did you hear me, Dante?

Dante: Did YOU hear me? I’m in the middle of studying. (Dante looks through a magazine) It’s true that I’m an odd-job man but I don’t have any interest in babysitting a brat.

Girl: Brat?

Dante: Oh sorry, miss. After 10 years I’ll let you have a date.

Girl: Not even if it was your dying request. *says something I didn’t get it*

MG: (laughs) Anyway, listen Dante, even if it is a brat (MG glances at girl) Oops, my mistake she’s no ordinary little girl. Patty Royale. *I think this is next part is right it may be a little off so don’t get mad ;P* She is the possible heiress to the dead Royale guy’s family fortune.

Dante: This doesn’t really appeal to me.

MG: Because you’re a person who likes to be a downtown office-holder right?

Basically Dante's job is to get Patty to the Royale mansion safely at 6 O'clock tomorrow night. Then they talk some more about the present head of the family dying and something’s gonna happen blah blah blah. Dante doesn’t want to do it but MG says that the pizza won’t come and he won’t pay for it (he says it all jokingly)

Dante: You jerk, you’re really playing a lot of tricks. (MG flips coin) Chh, Again?

MG: If you win, I’ll pay for everything, if you lose…

Dante: yeah yeah, I got it… Heads.

MG: (chuckles)

(Dante and Patty walking out door)

Patty: you’re really bad at gambling aren’t you

Dante: shut up!

MG: You forgot this. You have “Raibu” don’t you?

Dante: Raibu?

MG: (walking away while putting on his hat) alright, I’m counting on you.

(in the car)

Patty: this time I’ll take you to go see it, Raibu (wth is Raibu?) Because there’s no way anyone would go to your Raibu (says this to Dante). *I think Raibu means some sort of visiting the graves of loved ones but I could be totally wrong*

Dante: You’re right but *I dunno he says something*

Patty: Well, that woman in the photograph would come to your Raibu, right?

Dante: Photograph? (camera show briefly photograph of the woman on Dante's desk in his office)

Patty: Yeah anyway, *say something* This car is useless and has nothing. It’s dirty, smelly and beat-up. Are you listening? For woman, ya know, it’s more important how you take them to a place than actually arriving.

Demon: Dante, that girl’s life, will be taken!

Patty: hey, are you listening? (Dante pulls down her hat) Hey! What are you doing? (Pulls up hat after Dante shoots demon) What kind of manners are that?! (Dante narrowly avoids truck. Patty screams) Isn’t that dangerous?! What would you do if I died?!

(scene change to Royale mansion)

Henchman 1: Can’t you do something, brother? You’re a lawyer, aren’t you?

Henchman 2: Of course I can’t do anything. If that is the real will (referring to the letter) the whole inheritance is the kid’s (referring to Patty).

Henchman 1: That’s ridiculous!

Henchman 3: Alright, let’s settle down big brother. If that letter isn’t a lie Patty Royale will come to this mansion at 6 o’clock tomorrow night.

Henchman 1: So that’s why we have to hurry! By 6 O’clock tomorrow it will have been exactly one week, right?!

Henchmen 2: Within the week, if they confirm that Patty is still alive she get the inheritance, right? Could it be that our older serious brother had secrets? (pans away to portrait)

(train scene)

Dante: (glances at Patty who is looking at a photo in a locket) Oh? You can actually have a cute face sometimes. Is it a picture of some guy?

Patty: I-it’s my mom! She’s a lot prettier than your girl (in the photograph SPOILERS aka: Dante’s mama) But I don’t remember anything of her. They say she died when I was a baby. That’s what the *it’s either the director of the hospital or the principal of the school who told her that*. So that’s why I remember nothing…about my mom. All I have is this picture.

(view of train tracks)

Stranger guy: (ugh, this guy is creepy I’d kick him in the nuts if I was alone on a train in Japan…) Oh, wow that’s pretty (referring to the picture) Is it your mother? (Patty turns to face him) Oh, you’re also very charming. Is this seat open? (points to seat next to Patty)

Dante: Huh? There’s a lot of other seats aren’t there?

Patty: (points to the seat) Go ahead!

Stranger: Thank you. (talks to Dante) Am I troubling you?

Dante: It’s no trouble. I just can’t guarantee your life.

Patty: What do you mean by that!? (view of train tracks again) Geez! Why would seating by me not have a guarantee on his… (stranger guy is dead… good >_>) (Patty gasps in fear)

Dante: Good grief even though I warned you.

Guy with green jacket: he’s dead.

Patty: mom…mom…

Dante: beaten to death, huh (stares at dead stranger guy)

Old guy: Could it be…You?

Girl: it’s over here! (talking to police guy)

Police: This is… Hey you (referring to Dante) Could you tell me what happened here?

Dante: well, how about I tell you this? This train passed briefly, about ten seconds, through a tunnel. During that time it was those three, (referring to the old person and the couple) me and the brat. And that dead man. That’s six people total. First let’s check the old guy. Couldn’t be, huh? That couple was making out in the dark. And the brat was like that (camera shows Patty)

Police: so it was you!...

Dante: nope. There’s one more guy, or should I say “thing”

(Patty and Dante walking away from train)

Patty: Who was that man killed by?

Dante: Who knows…

Patty: The devil… He was killed by the devil, wasn’t he? Could it be he’s going to come after me too? By the devil? Dante!

Dante:…Let’s go.

(at the mansion)

Henchman 2: Checkmate.

Henchman 1: Ah. I lost again.

Henchman 2: ha, even since you were a little brat you weren’t good at the end game. Because of that you can run away right now…

Henchman 1: are you saying I’m being a bother to aniki (term used for older brother)

Henchman 3: You’re the one who’s being hasty and saying that yourself.

Henchman 1: Phff.

Henchman 2: By the way (to Henchman 3) you really like that picture don’t you?

Henchman 3: Yes, the reason why is whenever I look at this picture I feel calm. * I think I messed this part up a little but it doesn’t really matter* when we get the inheritance we’ll give it to the museum

Henchman 1: if it was me I’d ask for cash.

Henchman 2: Hey now, we still don’t have the inheritance.

Henchman 3: Yes yes, I understand. *says something I didn’t get* even if it was by the devil…

(Hotel scene)

Hotel clerk: Welcome.

Dante: I want the cheapest room even if it’s cold or whatever it’s fine. We’ll be leaving early in the morning anyway.

Hotel clerk: (hands him key) room for one adult and one child

Dante: Not a child, a little lady. (walks past Patty) what are you doing? You should go to sleep now.

Patty: mom… (looking at poster)

Dante: what?

Patty: Mom! Sir,

Hotel: Yes, what is it?

Patty: Do you know where this woman is?!

Dante: hey hey, Your mother should be dead, right? Let’s go.

(hotel room)

Dante: (lying on couch) damn, this is really small (referring to couch). You should hurry and go to sleep. Tomorrow’s gonna be early.

Patty: My mom, she actually didn’t die of an illness. She’s missing. I accidentally heard the principal talking about it. She was being targeted by the devil and because I was a baby my mom didn’t want my life to be in danger so she left be herself, they said. Do people who are targeted by the devil have no chance of living?! Did my mom die?! Then I’ll also be killed by the devil?!

Dante:…Who knows.

Patty: The inheritance, the fortune, I don’t care about them. If only, I could have a little money I would like to give the deceased clothes or candy. I would just like to buy that for them. But what everyone wants isn’t something like candy or clothes it would be the same thing I want, just to see their parents again! That’s what they want the most! Aa, I’m sure you’ll just laugh (said while wiping away tears) at what I’m saying.

Dante: no, anybody would want to meet their parents.

Patty: Dante…

Dante: well sorry but I’m going to sleep and dream about being together with some hot ladies. You should get some sleep too.

(Patty wakes up. Time passes Dante runs out into the hotel lobby.)

Dante: Hey you (referring to hotel clerk) where did that girl go?!

Hotel clerk: Girl?

Dante: the brat that I checked in with!

Hotel clerk: Who knows *for this next part I’m a little unsure but I think he says “I don’t give refunds”.

(Dante shoots poster/moth demon thing)

Dante: Who the hell are you? (refers to hotel clerk/ demon)

Demon: (laughs) Well, I know a lot about you.

Dante: Oh? Then you should know you can’t kill me with that*, then right? *that refers to the gun hotel clerk demon has* Now, tell me where Patty is.

Demon hotel guy: (flabbergasted) aaa… okay, I got it…

(in the car)

Demon: *says something I don’t think it’s very important.*

Dante: Who hired you?

Demon: Eh?

Dante: Who hired you to target Patty? It’s probably one of the Royale family who has a grudge against Patty for getting the fortune, right?

Demon: I-I don’t know! I’m just some underling! They don’t tell me anything…

(Patty in opera house)

(runs down staircase having spotted opera singer) Patty cries out “mom” 4 times when descending the stairs.

Patty: Mom! I really missed you.

Mom: I’m sorry Patty. I won’t let you be alone anymore

Patty: Mom…(looks up)

Demon mom: Because *says something* Now, your mother will give you death! (lunges to attack Patty. Dante shoots demons)

Dante: (to Patty) hey, is coming to Opera houses in the middle of the night a hobby of yours?

Patty: Dante! I-I…My mom

Dante: hmm. It seems the stirring finale isn’t over yet.

(Dante is killing demons. Hotel clerk demon comes up from behind and grabs Patty)

Hotel Clerk: Sorry miss, but I will have to kill you. They promised me a reward for killing you so.. (Dante shoots at Demon)

Dante: Scram.

(At the mansion Clock strikes 6 o’clock)

Henchman 2: so it’s timeup, then?

Henchman 1: We did it aniki! The fortune’s ours! *he says something about the letter*

(knock on the door)

Unseen butler: You have a guest.

Henchman 1: a guest?

The real Patty: Thank you.

Henchman 2: umm, I’m sorry but you are?

Patty: Oh, how terrible, you don’t remember. I am Patty Royale.

Henchman 2 (maybe?): But she’s supposed to be a child.

Patty: that one’s a fake. In these wild times anything could happen. So we found a person of the same surname so that all the attention was drawn to her. And thanks to her I had a fun safe trip down here. So, how about we proceed with the transaction?

Henchman 2: It’s too bad though I’m the lawyer of this transaction and I must follow all the rules. I can’t give up the fortune because you didn’t get come before 6 O’clock, even if you were seconds late.

Patty: oh? The will say I must come a within one week of his death to claim the inheritance. My father died at exactly a week ago at 6:28. You see? I made it in time. So would you like to go over my identification card and my driver’s license?

Henchman 2: No, there’s no need to see it.

Patty: what to do you mean?

Henchman 2/ Demon: Because, we cannot confirm that Patty Royale is alive. (guy turns into demon)

Henchman 1: big brother!

Henchman 3: Aniki!

Demon: You two as well! The inheritance, it all belongs to me!! I won’t give it to anyone! (lunges for attack)

(Patty screams, Dante fires at demon)

Dante: So it was you, huh? I was hired by you as some sort of atonement? Even though you have a pretty face you’re more wicked than that demon over there. Hmph, if you were a demon I would kill you without any remorse. All right, I’ll end it here, just for fun.

(in hallway)

Patty (kid): I saw everything! What you did…

Patty (woman): Wait! Please wait. I have a request. Please let me take care of that child. I’d like to at least make up for what I did.

(scene change to Dante’s office)

Morrison: Oh, so that’s okay that you’re not at the mansion?

Patty: It’s fine. I received consolation money.

Morrison: Consolation money?

Patty: that’s right. (kind of sarcastically) I received the money because I saw horrible world of adults and my fragile little girl heart was deeply wounded.

Morrison: ah, I see. So you bought those clothes with the money?

Patty: that’s right. (she says “I got a lot of stuff with the money. Enough for three lifetimes” says more but I didn’t get it)

Morrison: Oh, that’s great. (pets a stuffed panda)

Dante: (from bathroom) Oh, Morrison, are you here? (steps out of bathroom looks on desk) while I was in the shower my strawberry sundae should have arrived.

Morrison: Oh, you talking bout that? (points up with his thumb)

(Dante sees Patty has just eaten his sundae)

Dante: Hey, my strawberry sundae! Patty?! Why are you here?! What the hell happened to this room?

Patty: It was really messy and unfashionable so I cleaned it up and added a lot of cute things to it.

Dante: Oh god…anyway my strawberry sundae!

Patty: That would be my payment for what I did for your room. It was delicious!

(cuts to credits)

Tradução por fifinambo do

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Obrigado pela tradução, isso já ajuda um pouco ;)

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Já saiu o primeiro episódio por meio da [-.-] ^^. Vou ver e já digo alguma coisa.

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