Death the Kid


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Para os que ainda andam a seguir isto, hoje descobri umas quantas cenas fixe.

Se enviarem um e-mail para o e-mail que aparece no telemóvel do Okabe no 1º episódio quando ele vê o video, a resposta será uma mensagem de erro falsa.


Se seguirem o site que tá no e-mail ( leva-vos para um site com um código. Esse código já foi um pouco descodificado por um tipo.



the =? and ?= are start/end tags, ISO-2022-JP is the encoding, I'm not sure about ?B? but the Gy -> Qg== part is encoded in base64. Throwing it in a base64 decoder, then an ISO-2022-JP decoder outputs this text: "これって誰か解読できてたりします?" Which roughly translates to "has anyone decoded this yet"

Still trying random things on the upper body text



There is a hypothetical device in theoretical physics called a "tachyonic antitelephone" that could be used to send signals into one's own past



When Okabe builds the time machine in the future, he calls it "CR204" or something similar, which stood for "Christina". However, in the movie when Kurisu builds it, she calls it "OR204" which would stand for "Okabe Rintarou".



The gelbanas do not trip Okabe's Reading Steiner because it doesn't change the past significantly enough to do so. Keep in mind that the change occurs in the present, whereas D-Mails change world lines because they make significant change to the past (in the instances that they actually do work).

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The first of several shorts created in collaboration with IBM.
Episode #1: Cooking
Mayuri and Kurisu are going to make some chicken karaage.
Even though Okabe and Daru beg that should stop, the duo insist that it's okay due to their new "Secret Weapon". What could be the confident secrets behind the Upa-based Cognitive Computing System?

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The year is 20XX. The Third Generation IBM Cognitive Computing System has made it to the Future Gadget Laboratory. Unlike conventional computers, the Cognitive Computing System learns from experience and utilizes the world around it.

The second of several shorts created in collaboration with IBM.
Episode #2: Navigation

Editado por Sharinflan

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The third of several shorts created in collaboration with IBM.
Episode #3: Fashion

The year is 20XX. The Third Generation IBM Cognitive Computing System has made it to the Future Gadget Laboratory. Unlike conventional computers, the Cognitive Computing System learns from experience and utilizes the world around it.

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The fourth of several shorts created in collaboration with IBM.
Episode #4: Meeting

The year is 20XX. The Third Generation IBM Cognitive Computing System has made it to the Future Gadget Laboratory. Unlike conventional computers, the Cognitive Computing System learns from experience and utilizes the world around it.



E pronto, acabou-se. Fico à espera de uma adaptação da nova novel.

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Descobri uma entrevista interessante.


Heroine Q&A Interview with Naotaka Hayashi Scenario writer of Steins;Gate

In this interview featured in Dengeki Games Magazine, the scenario writer of Steins;gate Naotaka Hayashi answers some questions about the heroines of anime/game that weren’t explained in the main story.


Why did Kurisu want her own fork?

Ever since Kurisu came back to Japan she couldn’t get enough of instant ramen. At first she tried using chopsticks to eat her ramen but never could get used to them, so she gave up and used a fork instead. This is why she wanted her own personal fork to eat her ramen at the lab.


Why did Kurisu have a sewing set with her?

Kurisu at first did not have any interest in sewing, but after seeing Mayuri making costumes she became envious of her and thought she needed to learn how to sew herself. She carried a set around with her to practice.


Why were Mayuri and Kurisu in the shower together?

Mayuri urged her to have a shower with her. At first Kurisu did not like the idea, but Mayuri was being persistent so she gave in even if she knew Okabe would return to the lab.


How often does Kurisu visit @Chan?

She visits @Chan a lot, and even uses a tripcode name. However she does not show herself on cam or anything like that. Her posts are mostly of the intellectual type and she wins most internet arguments. When she gets mad though, she will start trolling.


Why does Kurisu wear a modified version of a school uniform?

Kurisu attended high school & University in America so she usually wore plain clothes. She was also busy with her experiments and never had the time to deal with her looks. When Kurisu came to Japan as a short term (2 weeks) overseas student  she grew fond of the uniforms at the school. In fact she continued wearing the uniform after her term was over because she liked the style. Of course it was a little odd to wear a uniform when she wasn’t really attending the school, so she  modified the style a bit and made it seem more casual.


 Is Mayuri an Otaku?

Not as much as Daru, she is mostly interested in photo albums of cosplayers and artist albums. She also likes to read doujins.


What are Mayuri’s parents like?

Her parents are a lot like Mayuri, and have a calm and a gentle nature. They get along very well.


Why doesn’t Mayuri cosplay herself?

Being a busy student she can’t find the time to make as many costumes for her friends and herself. Mayuri would rather make costumes for others and see them wear the costumes.


Does the relationship change between Mayuri and Ruka while Ruka is a guy/girl?

Not at all, it doesn’t really matter to Mayuri if Ruka is male or female. This is why Ruka can get along well with Mayuri.


When Ruka confessed to Okabe, what were Okabe’s thoughts?

Okabe can’t get rid of the fact that Ruka is/was a male.


What is life like in the SERN Dystopia?

All the nations in the world are controlled by a one world government lead by SERN and the Illuminati. The people are under heavy surveillance, and have no freedoms or privacy. The reason for this is SERN intends to create a world without any conflict. Everything from simple quarrels to racism and wars are exterminated by SERN. This is also why vacations to oversea countries have been banned as a part of this policy.


Why does Suzuha like Bicycles so much?

Before Suzuha came to Akihabara in 2010 she was mostly into motorbikes. From a very young age she rode on motorcycles without a license. Suzuha was constantly being chased by SERN and it’s agents so she never really had the time to ride a bicycle at ease. When she came to Akihabara and started riding a bicycle she realized the pleasure of riding one and got into cycling from there.


Why does Feiris say ~Nya at the end of her sentences?

She started doing this when she began working at the Maid Cafe. It’s a part of her character as a maid at the May Queen NyanNyan.


How much does Moeka rely on FB

She sends around 50 emails to FB a day. FB must have a lot of time on his hands to be able to reply to so many emails.


Is Moeka into anything other than e-mails?

She visits Social networks and posts comments on them through her cellphone.

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as minhas novas sapatilhas





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Não gosto do estilo, mas tá engraçado.

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Oioioi! Acabei de ver há uns dias e esta tão brutal!


Podem dizer-me mais animes deste género, por favor??


Já agora, onde me recomendam ver o filme? Thanks  :D

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Este anime é todo mindfuck mas a comédia do Okabe "mad scientist" é genial.

O inicio é estranho mas depois o anime fica muito bom!


Já conhecia a historia de titor, foi uma surpresa para mim um anime à volta dela.

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Ja me aconselharam ver , mas vale mesmo a pena? :huh:

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Ja me aconselharam ver , mas vale mesmo a pena? :huh:



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Saiu um novo episódio!

É uma versão alternativa do episódio 23 onde ocorrem acontecimentos que fazem com que passe para a linha temporal do Steins;Gate 0, dando assim continuidade para a nova série, ao invés de começar "de repente".

Esta série tira elementos da linha Beta dos CD dramas e da trilogia de novels Epigraph, que é onde o Okabe

falha em salvar a Kurisu e ocorre a 3ª Guerra Mundial. O projecto Amadeus existe nesta linha temporal, que é onde a Kurisu faz upload das suas memórias para criar um AI (Inteligência Artificial) consciente, que foi o que fez com que a tese dela tenha sido publicada.

Não confundir com a linha temporal Alpha, que é onde

a CERN dá origem a uma distópia.;Gate:_Kyoukaimenjou_no_Missing_Link_-_Divide_By_Zero


@@Ryuuken creio que poderemos utilizar este tópico para o S;G 0 e apenas mudar para a secção "A decorrer" quando começar, certo? Tal como se fez com, por exemplo, Naruto.

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@@Ryuuken creio que poderemos utilizar este tópico para o S;G 0 e apenas mudar para a secção "A decorrer" quando começar, certo? Tal como se fez com, por exemplo, Naruto.

Sim, claro. Sinceramente, nunca cheguei a criar tópico porque ainda não tinha percebido que seria uma nova série (é, né?).

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Sim, claro. Sinceramente, nunca cheguei a criar tópico porque ainda não tinha percebido que seria uma nova série (é, né?).

@@Ryuuken creio que poderemos utilizar este tópico para o S;G 0 e apenas mudar para a secção "A decorrer" quando começar, certo? Tal como se fez com, por exemplo, Naruto.


Sim. Eu criei o tópico para a Visual Novel, mas já tivemos confirmação de que irá ter uma série.

E sim, é uma nova série e não sequela. Ou melhor, é sequela a partir do episódio 23, por isso não sei bem como irão fazer isso. O MAL registou como versão alternativa, mas quem é pró a fazer isso é o AniDB, que até faz gráficos.

Ou seja, deixa estar assim porque assim o pessoal nem se confunde. Também só temos 15 páginas, so yeah...

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Terminei hoje a Novel e queria expor uma duvida minha.


Ao apagarem  o primeiro d-mail, que foi intercepcionado pelo Echelon do seu servidor, causando a distopia no futuro, como é que o d mail foi cancelado? Ao apagarem essa data do servidor o que deveria ter acontecido era 


 1 - A sern nunca saberia deles e nunca voltaria para o passado para os capturar, mas a Mayurii morreria na mesma visto o atractor field assim o ter escolhido, e eles nunca conseguiriam cancelar o primeiro Dmail.


2 - Ao apagarem essa info do servidor da echelon, e nunca tendo voltado para o passado para criar a distopia no futuro, o okabe seria transportado para uma terceira worldline independente.

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Ao apagarem  o primeiro d-mail, que foi intercepcionado pelo Echelon do seu servidor, causando a distopia no futuro, como é que o d mail foi cancelado? Ao apagarem essa data do servidor o que deveria ter acontecido era

Ninguém sabe ao certo, pois nunca é explicado.

Tens aqui várias teorias:

Tens aqui uma timeline de acontecimentos, agora diverte-te:

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