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Name: Animundi - Dark Alchemist

Language: English text with Japanese voice

OS: Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, Pentium 800 mhz or higher

Memory: 128 MB RAM or greater, 1.35 GB hard drive space

Sound: Windows computer with DVD-ROM drive, full Japanese voice


Historia do jogo:

nima Mundi: Dark Alchemist is the latest interactive novel by Hirameki, a gothic horror visual novel with interactive play and multiple endings.

The story revolves around the life of Count Georik Zaberisk. Georik is a doctor and a defender of the country town he lives in with his sister, Lilith. In an unfortunate turn of events, Lilith is identified as a witch and beheaded by some cult in the presence of all the villagers. Georik returns to find his sister's head on the ground, and in a fit of rage sets the entire town on fire, fleeing to the capital city. Strangely enough, Lilith's head still lives, talking and breathing as if her body was still attached to it.

The main plot deals with Georik's efforts to find a way to restore his sister back to her former self. In a world where scientists are trying to fuse mechanical parts to flesh, there is no room for magic or alchemy. As Georik finds his late father's laboratory in the basement of his mansion, he decides to study alchemy and find a new body for Lilith.

Anima Mundi: Dark Alchemist is a story of good versus evil, demons and voices from heaven, magic and science, love and hate, trust and betrayal. It's like a Shakespearian tragedy with interactive elements, that slowly unfolds into more complicated choices. The gameplay will test the boundaries of morality, seeing how far will you go to save your sister from her horrifying situation. Georik constantly struggles with the conflict between the honorable intent of helping his sister get her old life back and the unpleasant means used to achieve that goal.

With a series of mouse clicks, you sit and watch as the story progresses. But at certain times you will be given a time limit to make a choice, which will affect how the game goes on. For example, right in the beginning, you will be asked a series of questions that don't really make sense (at least not at that point in the story). These questions will influence your progression and what ending you will get. In other occasions, you get to play a guessing mini-game with Lilith or you can have you fortune told by picking a card. And later on, you also gain activities to do at night before sleep, such as researching, searching the mansion, visiting the alchemy shop or going to the library.

Usually, searching, researching and reading will add new entries to your Alchemy Encyclopedia. Whatever is available in the Encyclopedia is what you will be able to use in your research to discover new things.

This interactive digital book offers beautiful artwork, great musical score composed of symphony and chorus, superb voice acting even though it's all done in Japanese, and I was especially impressed with the storyline and dialogs. These are wonderfully written aside from a couple of minor typos here and there, and I was extremely glad for not finding any "Engrish". Hirameki has truly done an outstanding professional job in this title.

Anima Mundi: Dark Alchemist will provide you with hours of gothic horror entertainment. Expect a lot of reading (I would have liked a little more interactivity), but if you enjoy the macabre, plot twists and shocking revelations, you will keep on clicking just to learn more



Count Georik Zaberisk

After curing Princess Sylvie of a serious illness, he was assigned the position of Royal Physician, but his sister Lillith’s poor health forces him to retreat to their country villa in Geutrink.


Lillith Zaberisk

Lillith also has a mischievous bent and enjoys teasing St. Germant when he comes to visit. Her playful banter gets the better of her though, when she is tried as a witch and her body burned.


Count St. Germant

Hardland’s greatest inventor and the realm’s Secretary of Science and Technology. He is under constant protection to see that his safety is not jeopardized, but he cavorts around the nation with nary a care. When St. Germant learns that his betrothed Lillith has died, he cannot hide his despondency.


Viscount Michael Ramphet

With a biting wit and a proud personality, he is inevitably surrounded by enemies. He is full of confidence that he is the strongest swordsman in the kingdom and has risen to the position of Captain of the Royal Guard.


Bruno Glening

He is in charge of the health of palace inhabitants and is well informed about everyone's condition -- not just the King. The truth is that he has been commissioned by the King for his skills as an alchemist to develop an immortality elixir.


Timothy Riari

A youth that Georik meets on a journey and brings to Kamazene. As kids are wont to be, although he hates to have his activities interfered with, he often acts full of himself when talking to Georik, but comes to him when in need.


Hardland the 3rd

The King of the Realm. Very passionate and taken with what is right in front of him. On the surface, he has banned witchcraft and alchemy, but in the basement of the castle he has men working on an immortality elixir to make him King for a millennium.


Sylvie Hardland

A Princess with a mind of her own. She pretends to obey her father, but she has a noble heart and is determined to expose those that wish her father ill. She likes to make life difficult for Maryn -- but she's protective of him at the same time. She is secretly in love with Georik, but she has abandoned hope of realizing her love.



Diligent and loyal, Maryn looks out for Sylvie. She is constantly struggling to get the strong willed Sylvie to act more ladylike. Though a studious person, she also has a bent for keeping her eyes peeled for the next dapper gent to appear and a soft spot for him when he does, which never ceases to drive Sylvie to distraction.


Jan Van Ruthberg

Ruthberg is a mysterious man that excels at fortune telling and as a medium channeling spirits. He also runs a suspect shop called The Golden Goose, that is the major store supplying implements for magic.


Francis Dashwood

He serves Count Sandwich and is tasked with collecting the debt that Georik owes his master. He is obsessed with money. He is also a member of The Hell-Fire Club and always turns out for Black Mass and witch trials.



Formerly a leading angel figure in Heaven that, upon falling to Hell became the devil known as the Prince of Hell. His name itself means "one who hates light." He is a persuasive, cunning and beautiful devil.

Se alguem kisser posso dar linck de onde sakar o jogo. >:D

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Conheço este jogo tenho imagens do jogo mas ainda não o joguei infelizmente...

Mas parece ser muito interessante.  :)

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Se não estou em erro, esse jogo é considerado yaoi (shounen-ai, mas pronto, toda a gente mete yaoi so yeah)...

Ora aqui está....

Se forem ao menu de procura rápida à vossa esquerda e escolherem Yaoi, é aó que se encontra o jogo XD

Ao lado de títulos como Enzai (thi horror) e Zettai Fukuju Meirei  ^^

Mas é mais na onda de shounen-ai...

There... just another info you should put on the first post ^__^

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Por falar nisso... Orube não devias estar entusiasmada com esse jogo, gotico E shounen-ai? XD Não pareces muito entusiasmada, lol.

Anyway, encontra-se na area de yaoi assim como o outro, Yo-Jin-Bo -The Bodyguards- , cuja descriçao é:

A great new game from Hirameki! You are Sayori, an ordinary high school student who is somehow transported back in time. A girl appears to you in a dream, begging you to save her -- it Hatsuhime, who was killed 150 years before. You awake to find yourself living in Hatsuhime's time, in Japan's feudal past. You must find a way to save her! Great new price!

(ocorreu-me a hipotese da gaja ser um miudo travesti (muito comum, lol). Mas parece q nao.)

Penso eu que o jogo aparece na area de yaoi porque tem um ambiente gotico, talvez inspirado em visual-kei /jrock; às vezes esse tipo de jogos/mangas/whatever são atirados para a area do yaoi. Provavelmente o artwork foi feito pela Yuki Kaori, ou Kouyu Shurei (a de Alichino), ou outra assim.

A ligaçao entre a shoujo gotica e yaoi nao é só pelo gotico masculino, mas muito tambem pelo gotico no feminino: a imagem da heroina gotica nessa series, tal como a da gothic lolita, apela muito às sensibilidades projectivas desse tipo de fãs. Por causa do ar de pureza ou inocencia éterea/perfeita/platonica, as tendencias de auto-vitimização e vitimização feita pelos outros/mundo, o ambiente de tragedia e fragilidade dessas personagens; e metaforicamente representados nos modelos esteticos e em moda. Resumindo, Emo&Gothic: the pure and beautiful, etheral, beaten and despised little lolis. :P

Bem, o jogo parece-me giro apesar disto ou daquilo, :P este e o Anima Mundi original (será q há mais q dois? ) já me tinham captado a atençao à uns tempos, são dos visual novels q mais gostaria de arranjar.

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Ah! E existe mais jogos deste genero para o caso de gostares deste.

Um que gosto muito é Togainu no Chi.  ;)

E tambem tens o jogo Yaoi do Death Note...  :-X

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*points at konoko's post*

Nao disse q yaoi e gotico tavam juntos na cabeça delas? XD

lol, e acho q ela nao leu patavina do q eu escrevi. ;D

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Latino, então manda aí... I wanna give it a try embora não seja algo que me agrade muito, mas fiquei curiosa XP

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