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Silver Link Animates Unhappy! TV Anime


Cotoji launched manga about class of students with "bad karma" in December 2012


The September issue of Hobunsha's Manga Time Kirara Forward magazine is announcing on Friday that SILVER LINK (Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya, Yuri Kuma Arashi, Chaos Dragon) will animate the television anime of Cotoji's Unhappy! (Anhapi) comedy manga.


The story centers around class 1-7 of Tennogofune Academy, where all the students with "bad karma" or misfortune seem to have been gathered. Hibari, a student in this class, meets the unlucky Hanako and the perennially unhealthy Botan on her first day of school, and together they try to find a way to turn their school life into a happy one.


Cotoji (No-Rin Petit) launched the manga in Manga Time Kirara Forward's February 2013 issue, which shipped in December 2012. Hobunsha published the fourth compiled book volume of the manga on July 13.




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O nome é giro, mas a coisa em si parece terrível, lol

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Estreia em Abril.




Yumiri Hanamori - An Hanakoizumi
Alias: Hanako / Birthday: 12/31 / Blood Type: O / Unhappiness Type: Bad Luck
She's a trouble maker who has bad luck every aspect of her life. Despite this, she doesn't seem to worry and is very positive. Although she loves animals, they hate her. The only thing she worries about is her lack of breasts.



Haruka Shiraishi - Ruri Hibarigaoka
Alias: Hibari / Birthday: 07/09 / Blood Type: B / Unhappiness Type: Tragic Love
Her caring and good personality gets her caught up in many unhappy encounters with those who drag her into calamities. She has been attracted to a "certain person" to no avail for a long time. Because both of her parents are currently on assignment abroad, she's living alone. She is very good at cooking.



Kiyono Yasuno - Botan Kumegawa
Alias: Botan / Birthday: 02/23 / Blood Type: A / Unhappiness Type: Bad Health
Has an unusually weak constitution, to the point that her bones in her fingers will crack from only shaking hands. As the daughter of a doctor, she is very familiar with medicine. Because she gets injured so much, she is like a one-woman life-saving hospital ward who treats herself on a daily basis. Although she is a gentle princess type person who smiles a lot, when she is very negative when it comes to herself.



Hibiku Yamamura - Hibiki Hagyū
Alias: Hibiki / Birthday: 04/01 / Blood Type: O / Unhappiness Type: No Sense of Direction
She has such a terrible sense of direction that it takes her three hours to commute to school alone. She loves her childhood friend, Ren, as her "Number 1." Because of her unyielding personality, she can't admit that she has no sense of direction. Additionally, she becomes very hostile toward every female who approaches Ren.



Mayu Yoshioka - Ren Ekoda
Alias: Ren / Birthday: 10/10 / Blood Type: AB / Unhappiness Type: Trouble with Women
She's a girl, but she has a troubling condition where females of any species are indiscriminately attracted to her. She plays the "straight man" to her childhood friend Hibiki. She always has very little energy and finds most things bothersome. If given the chance, she will take a nap.

Editado por Ryuuken

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